


 The office will be closed Friday, March 29th for Good Friday.

Happy Easter! 

As of 2/14/2024

We have recently upgraded our phones.

Therefore the only numbers that will be active are (309)463-2061 and (866)820-0082.  

Any unpriced basis contracts versus an expiring futres contract will be rolled on first notice day unless otherwise communicated from the seller. Hedge to arrive contracts will also be automatically rolled unless there are other instructions from the seller.

Market Snapshot
Quotes are delayed, as of April 19, 2024, 08:25:16 PM CDT or prior.
Market News
Cash Bids
Name Delivery Start Basis Cash Price Futures Change

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Quotes are delayed, as of April 19, 2024, 08:25:16 PM CDT or prior.
All grain prices are subject to change at any time.
Cash bids are based on 10-minute delayed futures prices, unless otherwise noted.
Market Commentary
Cattle Closes Mixed, CoF Data Seen as Bull Friendly -

Live cattle closed the Friday session with most contracts steady 30 cents higher ahead of the Cattle on Feed report. A few 2025 contracts were down

Soybeans Recover on Friday with Double Digit Front Month Gains -

Soybeans posted 7 ¾ to 16 ¾ cent gains across the board on Friday to ease the week’s losses. Soymeal was up $3.50 to $5.80 heading into the

Wheat Posts Gains on Friday, Led by Chicago -

The wheat market was on a rally train on Friday, as Chicago led the complex with 13 ½ to 17 ¼ cent gains. Kansas city tagged along on the bull

Hogs Rally into Weekend -

Lean hogs posted gains of as little as 60 cents in the deferred contracts to $2.27 in the nearbys. USDA’s National Average Base Hog negotiated

Corn Rally into Weekend with Export Business and EPA Announcement -

Corn futures closed out the week parring back the losses on Friday, as contracts were up 3 ½ to 6 ¾ cents across the board. May was up 6 ¾, with

Cotton Ends the Week on a Higher Note -

The cotton market was mostly higher on Friday, with the exception to a couple ’25 contracts. Most were up 3 to 59 points on the day, led by the

Full commentary...

The CME Group Intercontinental Exchange